An Open Letter from God


"I've been waiting to tell you some of my thoughts
that you really need to hear.
My heart overflows with such love for you, my child.
I get excited when you take the time to listen to
my voice and choose to spend a moment with me.
It's why I created you.
I want to have fellowship with you.
The fellowship I desire to share with you is
something special, something I have only with you.
I have millions of children that I love deeply,
but I only have one you.
Do you realize how precious you are to me?
I want to share with you a bit more about
this special kind of fellowship.
I think you've heard that word so often that it has
lost some of the meaning I've given it.

The fellowship I desire to have with you is unique.
It's unlike the fellowship I have with anyone else on the planet.
I will share this intimacy with you and only you.
It is something that is ours and nobody else's.
I know that's hart to believe, but it's true.
The fellowship I desire to have with you is shared.
Not only can you pour your heart out to me,
but I have things to share with you.
I want you to understand my heart as much as I understand yours.
I have secrets and desires that I want you to know about.
It's so exhilarating to me that I can share my heart with you.
I think you'll be excited to hear the things, too.

The fellowship I desire to have with you is joyful.
I love your worship.
It's absolutely the most beautiful thing I get to see.
I love the way it draws you to me and fills your heart with joy.
Feel my pleasure as you worship me.
I freely give it to my children.
The fellowship I desire to have with you is intimate.
There's nothing hidden between us.
I know the things that no one else knows.
I understand how much you've been hurt and wounded.
I want to talk about those things with you.
I want you to allow me to bring healing to those areas.
Stop hiding them from me.
Come to me, my child.
Open your whole heart when you share with me about them,
not just the safe parts.
I really do know how to bring restoration.
Just trust that my way is best and trust that
My path of healing is for your good.

The fellowship I desire to have is passionate.
This is where I want you to understand my heart for you.
The world tries to spoil this part of our fellowship by
labeling it as too emotional,
but they can't taint the love I have for you!
It is passionate love that I give freely.
I gave you emotions as part of your being and I love
being involved in that part of your life.
I want to experience life with you and share every moment!"

An Open Letter from God (written by Travis Ross)


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